At Snarky Elephant, we believe that an organization should serve as a support pillar for the continued growth and success of creatives, not to create further barriers. As such, we have an open call for creators or their representing parties to send us projects. Our mandate is broad: we accept narrative films, documentary films, tv shows, musicals, and other plays presented in whatever way you imagine them!
We accept any length or genre as long as your pitch shows how your project delves into issues and ideas often left unexamined, capturing underrepresented perspectives, identities, and communities.
Please send in your project materials via the linked form. Before applying, you must read and agree to all terms and conditions in our release form. You will not be able to submit your pitch unless you have done so.
In order to be considered, you MUST submit the following materials:
Brief synopsis
Professional bio(s) of project creators
The following are not required to submit, but are appreciated:
Pitch deck
If applicable, a full script
If applicable, script coverage
If applicable, a TV Bible
If applicable, a documentary outline or beat sheet
Examples of prior film or theater work in video form (see form for details)
Other materials you feel best represent your project
Please allow us 6 weeks to review your submission.
If you have questions, please see our FAQs page. If your question is not answered, please reach out to us.
Our Pitch Portal is only for projects that are ready to engage the production or late-stage development process. We focus on projects that might otherwise have difficulty finding a production home. For more information, please see our FAQ page.